Hello and a very warm welcome to my newly relaunched blog. I'm Paul a 40 year old family man from the UK. In this complex, information overload 21st century world, too often we lose sight of what's really important. Here I want to celebrate life, share inspirational stories, throw the spotlight on charities and causes close to my heart. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Good to be back!

Well it's certainly been a while since I've blogged!

Back out there in "the real world" over the last few months, I've been making some significant and positive changes to really improve my health and wellbeing.

It took another period of being stressed at work and seeing the blood pressure and weight creep up again to make me come to the realisation that I really had to do something about it.

So I've had some time out to revaluate my priorities, get myself mentally and physically back into shape. I've been fortunate enough to have spent a significant period of time working from home both before, during and after the christmas holidays which has really given me the chance to get things back into proper order.

Having got back into balance, I've been able to shed several pounds in weight, and really get all round fitness much better. In fact I've already learned so much I've decided to set up a separate blog to chart my progress and offer real-world proven advice at http://magicdarts-fitforlife.blogspot.com/ - no followers as yet so if you'd like to take a look I'd really appreciate it.

I've improved the way I go about tasks, both in my work life and personal life. Instead of always trying to do everything at once and flitting between jobs, I've got a much more methodical and less stressful approach worked out.

In the context of this blog and what I'm trying to do here, I came to the conclusion that in order to feel in myself that I'm really out there making a difference, it's time for me to find a way to volunteer my services to the local community. I'm very excited to say that I have found something very special that is going to become a lifetime commitment.

Hopefully some of you out there will be aware of Rotary International and the work they do. Essentially, it's a network of some 1.2 million business professionals in some 33,000 diferent clubs around the globe, volunteering their time to help out both locally and internationally. I'm very proud to announce that as of next Monday I will be inducted into my local club in Grantham.

So with all the fantastic ongoing projects they are involved in including a global eradicate polio campaign, there's going to be plenty for me to report on over the coming weeks and months. Also, hoping to link up with as many fellow rotarians as possible in the online community, and maybe convince one or two others to join up - believe me they are an amazing group of people!

Time for me to catch up with the blogging community again - catch up with you really soon!!


  1. Hi Paul - welcome back to the blogosphere. Signed up to follow your new blog btw too and look forward to watching your progress (whilst I munch a nice bag of crisps no doubt!)


  2. Sounds like you've been busy with some awesome projects. Keep it up! :) Great to see you again...

  3. Great to see you back! Good job you became aware of your issues and sorted them out.

    Good luck with the Rotary adventure.


Hi, this blog is all about sharing ideas and feedback - would love to hear from you!