Hello and a very warm welcome to my newly relaunched blog. I'm Paul a 40 year old family man from the UK. In this complex, information overload 21st century world, too often we lose sight of what's really important. Here I want to celebrate life, share inspirational stories, throw the spotlight on charities and causes close to my heart. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Makomborero Zimbabwe - a quick correction


 Just to let you know in last nights blog I incorrectly posted the wrong URL for the Makomborero charity home page - it should be http://www.makomborero.info - Thanks to fellow blogger Emm for spotting that one.

Also here as promised, are some of the pictures that aren't visible on the previous entry:

For some reason I can't seem to edit the original blog , and I don't want to lose the comments I have, especially as I have one from the Albertyns on that entry, which will take you directly to their blog.

Building in progress:




Please go and say hello to Mark and Laura , I know your support would mean an awful lot to them.


Thanks for reading!


  1. This shouldn't really be posted here (you need an anonymous contact button! Ask me and I'll send a link to one), but I have an idea you might want to look into. I thought of it a couple of years ago, when my partner was made redundant and we were struggling with paying for drama/football/gymnastic clubs for the boys. Basically, I'd like to set up a charity that provides less well-off children with sponsorship to take part in activities like those I mentioned. Actually, I'd like to take it further than that, and get volunteers into schools to get children interested in new activities while they are still young - so they can develop a passion before reaching he age when so many go off the rails. The problem is it would be a massive task, and determining who would be eligible would be very difficult, hence me doing nothing about it. However, if you can gather enough people from around the UK to get involved, and someone can work out the finer details, I'll gladly do my bit in my area, whatever that entails.

  2. Thanks agan Soulcrafter - that's a really great idea, getting kids on the right track at an early age is so important - will contact you about it via triond if that's ok?

  3. Cheers Andy,

    I think your blog gives us all a chance to slip into a calm, free space, away from all the added nonsense that comes with our versions of civilisation - that's the magic of the blogging world!


Hi, this blog is all about sharing ideas and feedback - would love to hear from you!